12 novembre 2007

Love in the time of science..

Hotel - Amesterdam

Once in a house on a hill
A boy got angry
He broke into my heart

For a day and a night
I stayed beside him
Until I had no hope

So I came down the hill
Of course I was hurt
But then I started to think

It shouldn't hurt me to be free
It's what I really need
To pull myself together
But if it's so good being free
Would you mind telling me
Why I don't know what to do with myself

Emiliana Torrini


At 14/11/07 19:54, Anonymous Anonyme said...

ti mahou 9oul eli enti fi amsterdam
ne me laisse plus sans nouvelles
j'espere que tu vas bien
moi trinkil
a +

At 18/11/07 07:45, Anonymous Anonyme said...


Tout un voyage cet hôtel Amsterdam

Bravo pour le texte et pour l'image!

Bon dimanche


At 20/11/07 14:20, Blogger chevi said...

je veux prendre le batau pour marseille et remonter jusqu'Amsterdam pour y passer quelques jrs, t'en penses quoi ? ça coute ???

At 4/12/07 17:11, Blogger Exquiza said...

de si belle photos !! bravo!! trés expressive !! et cé...beau !! bravo!! un don d artiste!!!

At 25/5/08 01:52, Blogger The Dreamer said...

j'étais dans cet hotel à amsterdam je reconnait la rue


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